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Claudia Tavares Specialization at Universidade de Franca
Summary English teaching adults, from basic to advanced levels. English proficiency tests preparation. (TOEFL, TOEIC, TEAP) Translator and interpreter (English x Portuguese) Experience Language Institute
January 2000 - Present Director, owner and teacher Translator and interpreter - Portuguese x English and English x Portuguese Pedagogical Coordinator February 2002 - March 2008 (6 years 2 months) Management of the school as a whole. Selecting, hiring and training new teachers.
Teaching and advising students. Teacher February 2001 - August 2002 (1 year 7 months) English teaching for adults and teens secretary 1988 - 1990 (3 years) secretary 1988 - 1990 (3 years) Education Universidade de Franca Specialization, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor, 2002 - 2002 Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá Bachelor's degree of English and Portuguese Language and Literature, English, 1980 - 1983
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